Why plant-based?

Why plant-based you ask??? Before we share we just want to state that our intention here at Rooted is not to deter you from eating meat & dairy or however it is you eat to support yourself. Eating is NOT one size fits all. Our intention is to share some of the most impactful information that opened our eyes to this lifestyle with the hopes that you might try incorporating more plants into your meals.

Did you know that by skipping meat one day a week, Americans could save an estimated 100 billion gallons of water each year? In addition, following Meatless Monday for one year would spare an average of 3.5 animals a year per person. Multiply that by the entire U.S. population and it comes out to around 1.4 billion animals spared annually. Not to mention you'll lower your risk of developing 7 of the 10 chronic diseases as well as lower your risk of obesity, which is a growing epidemic in America. If thats not enough for you…keep reading!

The way we see it there are 3 major reasons why someone should consider switching to a plant-based diet. Its broken down by Environment, Medicinal purposes and Ethics. Below are some facts we collected on our wellness journey through research and nutritional courses via ECornell led by Dr. T Colin Campbell (author of The China Study) and Plant Lab Culinary. In addition to a few personal beliefs.

  1. Environment

    • Modern food production poses a massive threat to our environment. It is neither a sustainable way to feed our growing, global population, nor a path toward long-term survival of our species. Ultimately we are depleting Mother Earth of her natural resources and expecting her to continue to provide.

    • From an environmental stand point, the meat and dairy industry is more damaging than you can ever imagine. Over 83% of farmland is used to produce meat and eggs yet it only produces 18% of the entire worlds food. 

    • It takes approximately 2400 L of water to make 1 hamburger, that means 27% of the worlds water is used to grow feed for animals, only for them to be eaten. We do not have a limitless supply of water, we are robbing it from the aquifer & from our future generations.

    • American farm animals produce over 50% more waste per year than the entire human population. If you look at it more broadly, livestock is responsible for over 15% of global emissions, also contributing to greenhouse gases. That’s more than all of the transportation emissions in the world from planes, trains, cars & ships combined.

    • To put it into perspective growing feed for animals requires the largest amount of land in the world and is the number one contributor to deforestation. It also requires huge amounts of water causing an overuse of freshwater, 25% of the rivers in the world no longer meet the oceans because we are using it to grow the food for the animals that we eat. {A little louder for those in the back…}  

  2. Medicine aka Fuel

    • The majority of chronic diseases are related to your lifestyle & nutrition. The eating habits we have directly contribute to the development of 7 of the 10 chronic diseases. Research shows that heart disease, cancer, lower respiratory disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, diabetes & kidney disease can be impacted and in some cases completely reversed via a plant-based diet. 

    • And why you ask, do we not have more information on a plant-based lifestyle and the benefits of eating this way? Well that is because the majority of our population turns to their general practitioner for health advice and general practitioners medical training historically spends less than 20 hours on nutrition and thats been the case for the past 50 years.

    • In regards to your Macro & Micro nutrients, a plant-based diet has you covered. When you eat a diverse array of fruit, veggies, grains, legumes, nuts & seeds you are provided all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need. In addition, they are free of cholesterol and low in saturated fats and calories. 

      • To break down the Macros: Our diets are generally not lacking carbohydrates. By consuming grains, beans, fruits and veggies we are able to sustain the energy & fuel needed daily. A plant based diet has the added benefit of healthy fiber associated with our carbohydrate intake which keeps our digestive system balanced, slows absorption and helps lower our glycemic index which allows for a more sustained energy release.  We also acquire a good portion of our daily protein through carbohydrates.

      • The conversation around protein comes up a lot. There is a big misconception regarding the amount of daily protein that is required to promote adequate growth of cells, reconstruct tissue in muscles, organs, eyes hair and skin. Women only require about 46g of protein daily with men slightly higher at 56 g daily.  We have also been led to believe that the best source of protein is animal based foods because they are a complete protein with all 9 essential amino acids. Although this is true, you can also obtain complete amino acids by eating a diverse array of plant based foods. The bonus…Fruits and vegetables are also rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants which help to combat disease.

      • The fat we consume through a plant based diet has more health benefits overall. Animal based fat contains cholesterol which contributes to atherosclerosis, or the build up of plaque within the lining of your arteries. Plant based fats are superior to animal based fats as they are higher in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which promote heart health. Animal based fats are higher in saturated fat which has been shown to increase mortality.

  3. Ethics

  • We believe our choices should not be shaped by the cruelty or suffering of anything and that our ability to thrive should not be at the expense of another.

  • Through our yogic practice we learn of the Yamas or Moral Restraints one of which is Ahimsa “The act of love and kindness or non-harming” which speaks to our attitudes toward our environment. Non-harming to one another, to the world, to animals, to any and everything. We do our best to put this into practice daily. 

  • The animals that walk this earth are not ours to use. They contribute to the eco-system and it is not sustainable to continue to utilize them for nutrients when there are other supplies far more suitable.

To sum this up there are virtually no nutrients in animal based foods that are not better provided by plants. For us personally, we have felt more focused, more clarity and most importantly have had very little digestive issues since switching to a plant-based diet. In addition to all the great benefits above, it drastically reduces our grocery bill which we can all benefit from I’m sure!

We only have one planet to live on, by stepping back and assessing our eating habits we are increasing the likelihood of future generations being able to enjoy the benefits of living on this earth…


The Gals from Rooted

  • This is our interpretation of the evidence for general knowledge and should not be taken as medical advice. 

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products and or content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with any food and or dietary supplement, you should advise your healthcare practitioner of the use of this advise and or product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your healthcare practitioner prior to using this product. 

Darcy Denney